[This is a slight elaboration on the hypothetical situation whether a muqallid should look for daleel. In this brief reply we produce evidence to show the methodology of the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam was to give more information and knowledge to a questioner.] باب مَنْ أَجَابَ السَّائِلَ بِأَكْثَرَ مِمَّا سَأَلَه …
Read More »Joining Feet to Feet and Shoulder to Shoulder in Salah – Shaikh Muhammad Wasiullah ibn Abbas
Translated Arshan Umer Brother is asking is it necessary to join the feet in the congregation ? Brother has written that Sheikh Bakr Abu Zaid (rahimahullah) wrote that it is not necessary to join the ankles, but what is meant by these narrations is standing together. Answer: The word …
Read More »The Difference between Ittiba and Taqlid – Shaikh Wasiullah bin Muhammad Abbas
Translated, Compiled & Annotated Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansari I have alluded to this issue in the epilogue and I intend further clarification in this chapter. The terminologies or definition of both taqlid and Ittiba themselves highlight the differences between them. From the perspective of the Shari’ah, Ittiba is …
Read More »The Mawlid Papers Part 18 – Refuting the Sufi, Asrar Rashid Bareilwi – The Claim of The Fatwa of Imam Allamah Ibn Baz Pertaining to Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Day – Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz
Compiled, Translated & Annotated Abu Hibbaan & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari Shaikh Abdul Aziz Aal Abdel Latif, The Present Grand Mufti of the Land of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu alayhee Wassalm) http://alabdulltif.net/index.php?option=com_ftawa&task=view&id=15739 Question: Why does Saudi Arabia permit celebrating the commemoration of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab in a conference, …
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