Shaikh Muqbil, may Allaah have mercy on him, said about the following when most of them were alive, “As for Shaikh Badee’ud-Deen ar-Raashidi [d. 1996] then he is from our Shaikhs and I attended a dars or two or three of his, may Allaah the Most High protect him—and he …
Read More »Why Criticize the Latter-Day Callers when An-Nawawee and Ibn Hajr Had Mistakes? – Shaikh Saleh Aal-As-Shaikh
Question: The questioner says, O our virtuous Shaykh, what is your statement, may Allaah reward you with good: You repudiate A-Turaabee, At-Tilmisaanee,[1] Al-Ghazaalee, and Al-Qardaawee; you declare them to be innovators, and you refute them, and backbite them whilst leaving off mentioning their good qualities; while there are Imaams who …
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