
[Sharh Muwatta Imam Malik – Shaikh Zubair Ali Zai] – Hadith No.22 –:– Saying Takbir When Going Into Sujud and Whilst Rising From Sujud

Itihaf ul-Basim Fi Tahqiq Muwatta al-Imam Malik [Talkhis al-Qabisi] Riwayah Abdur Rahman ibn al-Qasim

Tahqiq, Takhrij, Sharh

Muhadith Zubair Ali Zai

Translated Abu Ubaydah
Translated, Checked & Additional Notes
Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

Saying Takbir When Going Into Sujud and Whilst Rising From Sujud

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him): Four Ahadith

[22] From Malik from Ibn Shihab from Abu Salamah Ibn Abd ar-Rahman Ibn Awf that Abu Hurayrah used to lead them in prayer and would say “Allah is the Greatest” whenever he lowered himself and raised himself. When he would finish he would say, “By Allah, I am the person whose prayer most resembles the prayer of the Messenger of Allah, Sallalahu Alayhi wa sallam.”


Ibn Shihab az-Zuhri clarified hearing (this hadIth from Abu Salamah Ibn Abd ar-Rahman) in Bukhari (no.803)


Al-Muwatta (Yahya’s narration 1/76 hadith no.163, book 3, chapter 4, hadith no.19) at-Tamhid (7/79), al-Istidhkar: (no.143)    

Transmitted by Bukhari (no.785) and Muslim (no.392) from the hadith of Malik.


1) Jabir (RadhiAllahu Anhu) used to teach the people to say takbir (Allah is the greatest) during the prayer and used to command them to say the takbir (Allah is the Greatest) every time they lowered and raised themselves. (Muwatta Imam Malik (1/77) hadith (no.166), and its chain is authentic)

2) The meaning of raising (raised himself) is lifting your head up from prostration (sajdah), here it does not mean lifting your head up from bowing (ruku) because there is clear proof for this specific (act). ‘Allah hears one who praises Him’ will be said after the bowing (ruku) just as it is established from the detailed hadith of Abu Hurayrah (RadhiAllahu Anhu). (Sahih Bukhari:(no.803), and Sahih Muslim (28/392))

3) The Imam will say these takbirs (Allah is the Greatest) loudly just as it is established from the Hasan Li dha-Tihi (Sahih) hadith in the Sunan al-Kubra of al-Bayhaqi (2/18) and the congregation will say the takbirs (Allah is the Greatest) quietly just as it is established from the Ahadith in Sahih Bukhari (no.4534) and Sahih Muslim (no.539) and there is an ijma (consensus) on this.

4) Imam Zuhri used to say that if a person catches (joins the prayer with) the (Imam) in bowing (ruku) then one takbir is enough for him (with the condition that he makes the intention of takbir iftitah [opening takbir]). See Muwatta Imam Malik (1/77) hadith (no.167), and its chain is authentic) This is approximately the same position of Imam Ata Ibn Abi Rabah and Hakam Ibn Utaybah. (Mussanaf Ibn Abi Shaybah (1/242) hadith (no.2509) and its chain is authentic, (1/243) hadith (no.2514) and its chain is authentic) It is also allowed to say two takbirs, for the starting (of the prayer) and one for the bowing (ruku) just as it is established from the Khalifah Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz. (Mussanaf Ibn Abi Shaybah (1/243) hadith (no.2515) and its chain is [Hasan] good)

5) Abu Hurayrah (RadhiAllahu Anhu) used to do Raful-Yadayn (raising his hands up to his ears or shoulders) before and after bowing (ruku). (Juz Raful Yadayn of Bukhari: (no.22) and its chain is authentic). Abu Hurayrah’s (RadhiAllahu Anhu)  hadith in Muwatta comes with a chain (of narration) that this was the prayer of the Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Was-Sallam) up until he (Sallalahu Alayhi Was-Sallam) left this world. (See Sahih Bukhari: (no.803) therefore it is become established the Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Was-Sallam) used to do Raful Yadayn until he died.

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