
Sharḥ ʿUmdatul Aḥkām – Kitāb al-Aṭʿimah – [The Book of Eating] Hadith No.379 –:– The Prohibition of Keeping Dogs Except for Protecting Yourself From Burglars (i.e. Guard Dog), Hunting, Farming, (Herding) livestock and the Like

Sharḥ ʿUmdatul Aḥkām

Kitāb al-Aṭʿimah – The Book of Eating

Translated Abu Ubaydah
Translated, Checked & Additional Notes
Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

The Prohibition of Keeping Dogs Except for Protecting Yourself From Burglars (i.e. Guard Dog), Hunting, Farming, (Herding) livestock and the Like

[379] Narrated Salim Ibn Abdullah bin `Umar (Radi Allahu Anhuma)
I heard the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) saying, “He who kept a dog other than one meant for hunting or for the protection of the herd would lose two qirat of his deeds every day.” Salim said: Abu Huraira (Radi Allahu Anhu) used to say: Or the dog meant for watching the field, and he was the owner of the land.



Transmitted by

Bukhari, Book of Slaughtering and Hunting, Chapter: whoever keeps a dog that is neither for hunting nor for guarding livestock (i.e. As a pet) [no.3324]

Muslim, Book of distributing water, Chapter: The command to kill dogs, and its abrogation. The prohibition of keeping dogs, except for hunting, farming, (herding) livestock and the like [no.1574]


1. Dogs are impure animals. It is not allowed to keep them in the house as a hobby (or pet) as it becomes the means of gaining less mercy since the Angels don’t enter the houses which have dogs in. Additionally, it is not allowed to eat from a bowl where a dog has put its mouth in unless it has been cleaned 7 times as well as cleaning it once with mud so that the dirt (bacteria) has been cleaned thoroughly because it’s bacteria is deadly. However if the purpose of keeping a dog is to protect yourself from burglars (i.e. Guard dog), looking after herds, farming etc then it is allowed to keep them.

2) Keeping a dog as a pet is not allowed and each day it is kept two qirat (When the companions enquired to the exact measure of the qirat, the Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) equated the qirat to be the measure of gold as huge as a mountain) of reward will be lost.

3) The Angels of mercy don’t come into houses that keep dogs

4) There are a lot of deadly bacteria in the mouth’s of dogs

5) It is allowed to keep dogs for protecting yourself from burglars (i.e. Guard dog), looking after herds, farming and hunting


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