Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, prayers
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, prayers

Joining Feet and Completing the Rows in Prayer – Shaykh Mubashir Ahmad Rabbani

Translated by
Abu Khuzaimah Ansari
[Translated in 2001, but published for the first time now]


Anas RadhiAllahu Anhu narrates Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said,

“Straighten your rows as straightening the rows is part of establishing of the prayer.” (Sahih al-Bukhari no.723).

The wording of the hadith through another chain of transmission is,

“Straighten your rows, as the straightening of rows is from perfecting the prayer” (Sahih Muslim no.124/433, Abu Dawud no.688, Ibn Majah no. 993, Musnad Abu Awanah 2/38, Sunan ad-Darimi no.1266, Musnad Ahmad 3/177, 253, 273, 279, 291).

We learn from this hadith straightening the rows is from establishing and the completion of the prayer. This would mean uneven rows or rows that are not straight would lead to deficiency of the prayer.

Abu Hurayrah RadhiAllahu Anhu narrates Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said,

Straighten the rows in the prayer, as the straightening of the rows is from the perfection of the prayer.” (Sahih al-Bukhari no. 723, Abdur-Razzaq no.2424).

Abu Hurayrah RadhiAllahu Anhu also narrates Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said,

“Perfect the straightening of the rows in prayer.” (Musnad Ahmad 2/485). The narrators of this hadith are of the Sahihayn. Allaamah al-Albani graded it authentic (Sahih at-Targhib wa’t-Tarhib 1/271 no.496, Sahih Ibn Hibban, Mawarid no.384, Majma’ az-Zawa’id 2/92).

We learn from these hadith straightening the rows is from perfecting and beautifying the prayer and this is what Allah’s Messenger ﷺ ordered. If the rows are not straight, it will lead to deficiency in the prayer. The straightening of the rows applies when standing and when in ruku and it is obligatory. In fact Allah’s Messenger ﷺ would first perfect the straightening of the rows and then commence the prayer. If the rows were not straight he would straighten them.

Nu’man b. Bashir RadhiAllahu Anhu narrates,

“The Messenger of Allah ﷺ used to straighten the rows until he made them like a spear or an arrow. Once he saw a man’s chest (sticking out) so Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said, make your rows straight or Allah will create division among you.” (Ibn Majah no.994, Abu Dawud no.663, Sahih Muslim no.128/436, Sahih al-Bukhari no.717 summarised)

Bara b. A’zib RadhiAllahu Anhu said,

“Allah’s Messenger ﷺ used to pass through the row from one side to the other; he used to set out chests and shoulders in order, and say, and do not differ in case your hearts also differ.. And he would say: Allah and His angels bless those who are near the first rows.” (Abu Dawud no.664, Nasa’i no.810, Ibn Majah no.997. Zawa’id Ibn Majah mentions the chain is authentic and its narrators are trustworthy).

We learn from these authentic hadith, the rows should be straightened before the prayer. We also learn another duty of the Imam is to straighten the rows and to correct any shortcomings. It is a shame the Imams nowadays do not dispense this duty and they begin the prayer as soon as the iqamah is announced.

Worshippers should stand in the rows ensuring their feet and shoulders touch the feet and shoulders of those praying next to them without any gaps between them. Allah’s Messenger ﷺ ordered to fil the gaps in the row.

Abdullah Ibn Umar RadhiAllahu Anhum said The Prophet ﷺ said,

“Straighten the rows, stand shoulder to shoulder, fill the gaps, be gentle in the hands of your brothers, and do not leave gaps for shaytan. If anyone connects a row, Allah will connect him, but if anyone breaks a row, Allah will cut him off.” (Abu Dawud no.666, Nasa’i no. 818, summarised, al-Bayhaqi 3/101, Ibn Khuzaimah no.1549, Mustadrak al-Hakim 1/213. Iman Hakım and adh-Dhahabi authenticated it according to the conditions of Imam Muslim. Allamah Al-Albani authenticated it in Sahih Targhib wa’t Tarhib no. 492, Musnad Ahmad 2/98).

Imam al-Mundhiri explained the word ‘Farjat’, “It is the plural of farjah and it refers to the gap and space between two people.” We learn from this hadith we should close the gaps in the rows and there should be no space of gap between two worshippers who are praying. The action of the people who leave a gap of four fingers or more is incorrect and they should rectify this.   

Anas RadhiAllahu Anhu RadhiAllahu Anhu,

“I saw each of us joining our shoulder with the shoulder of our companion and our feet with their feet, but if you were to practice this today, a person would flee from you like a restless mule.” (Ibn Abi Shaybah 3/308 no. 3524, Dar al-Taj, Beirut, Fath al-Bari 2/211, Umdah al-Qari 5/260).

Nu’man b. Bashir RadhiAllahu Anhu said,

“The Messenger of Allah turned to the people and said three times; straighten your rows, by Allah, you must straighten your rows, or else Allah will create disagreement between your hearts. I saw each man join shoulder to shoulder with that of his companion, knee to knee with that of his companion, and ankle bone to ankle bone with that of his [companion]”. (Abu Dawud no.662, Sahih al-Bukhari in note form, Musnad Ahmad 4/276, Ibn Hibban no.396, ad-Daraqutni 1/282-283, al-Bayhaqi 3/100-101).

Abu Uthman an-Nahdi said

“I was from the people whose feet Umar RadhiAllahu Anhu hit in order to straighten the row” (al-Muhalla of Ibn Hazm 4/58, Mawsu’ah Fiqh Umar b. al-Khattab, p.445, Ibn Abi Shaybah 1/30 no.3530, Fath al-Bari, 2/210).

Salih b. Kaysan narrates Abdullah b. Umar RadhiAllahu Anhum said

“It’s more beloved to me that two of my teeth break that I see a gap in the row and I don’t fill it.” (Abdur-Razzaq 2/57 no.2473, Ibn Abi Shaybah 1/333, al-Muhalla 4/59).

So, we learn from these authentic hadith that we should straighten the rows before we start praying and to close any gaps in the row, and this is an obligation. Every worshipper should join shoulder to shoulder and feet to feet with his brother in a gentle way. The Imam should begin the prayer once the row is straight in the beginning. Similarly, the row should be not be straightened once in ruku but rather before when everyone stands to commence the prayer. Similarly, the complete feet should join and not just a one toe as the Companions did and no one should run like a restless mule. The worshippers who fill the gaps will receive reward from Allah. May Allah give us tawfiq to do righteous actions and save us from exaggeration and leniency. Amin  

[Magazine] August 2000ce.

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