
Imam al-Bukhari on the Genius Memory of Abu Hurayrah RadhiAllahu Anhu

Abu Hurayrah RadhiAllahu Anhu and Imam al-Bukhari are undoubtedly the Imams of Ahlul Hadith who set Sunni standards in hadith preservation and dissemination.”Use-the- search-function” orientalists, flopped academics and misguided hadith rejectors reword and rework theories attempting to question the veracity of hadith authority.

Here is a documented incident from the hadith master Imam al-Bukhari himself on the phenomenal hadith preservation and memory of Abu Hurayrah RadhiAllahu Anhu.

Imam al-Bukhari through his own chain of transmission mentions in his work on al-Kunna under entry no.287

Kitab al-Kunna cov

al-kunna p.105

Abu az-Za’za’h – the secretarial scribe of Marwan (b. Al-Hakam) said, “Once Marwan summoned Abu Hurayrah while I sat behind a screen. Marwan asked him [to narrate hadith] and I began writing everything to the extent that I wrote a lot of hadith. After a year had passed Marwan summoned Abu Hurayrah again while I sat behind a screen. Marwan asked him [to narrate hadith] again. I looked at what I had written (the previous year) and not a single thing was added or missed (from what he transmitted the previous year) (al-Bukhari, al-Kunna in Tarikh al-Kabir (11/105)

This is why the feats and legacy of Abu Hurayrah RadhiAllahu Anhu and Imam al-Bukhari will continue for centuries while others continue to lament.

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