Compiled, Translated and Annotated
Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari
Ghasaan Koofee was the student of Imaam Muhammad ibn Hasan ash-Shaybaanee. Ghasaan was the from the murji’ah and the leader of the Ghasaaniyyah sect. He denied that Eesaa (alayhis-Salaam) was a Prophet. (al-Khittat 4/171 of Maqrizi)
he also believed that Eemaan did not increase or decrease. (al-Milal Wan-Nihal 1/140 of Shehrastaanee)
Maqraizee said about the leader of the Mareesee sect ie Bishr bin Ghiyaath al-Mareesee, “He was A’raaqee in his Madhab in terms of his fiqh (ie Hanafee) and a student of Qaadhee Abu Yoosuf al-Hadhramee.” (al-Muaa’ith Wal-Ei’tibaar Bi-Dhikr al-Khittat Wal-Aathaar 4/171 of Maqrizi)
When Bishr debated Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee, the Imaam toyed with him and rebuked his principles and ideologies whilst mocking him, Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee said to him,
“You are half a disbeliever because you say the Quraan is created and you negate the attributes of of Allaah and you are a half a believer because you accept Qadaa Wal-Qadar (pre drecree) and that Allah created the actions of the creation.” (al-Khittat 4/171 of Maqrizi)