
10 Books Ahlul Bidah Wished That Were Never Written! – [1] Ma’ayar ul-Haq Fi Tanqid Tanwir ul-Haq – Shaikh al-Kul al-Allamah Nazir Hussain Muhadith Dehlawi [1320H] – The Muqallid Excuse Of Not Being Able To Act On The Quran and Hadith

10 Books Ahlul Bidah Wished That Were Never Written!

Ma’ayar ul-Haq Fi Tanqid Tanwir ul-Haq


Shaikh al-Kul al-Allamah Nazir Hussain Muhadith Dehlawi (1320H)

The Muqallid Excuse Of Not Being Able To Act On The Quran and Hadith

Compiled and Translated
Abu Hibban & Abu Khuzaimah Ansari

Hence it is proven a scholar upon the way of Hadith (non muqallid) whilst making knowledge based deductions should not make Taqlid of a Mujtahid in the texts of an issue, even though the mujtahids statement is in accordance with the Hadith. Yet the people who prohibit us from acting upon ahadith and even though clear manifest truth does not concur with them, one of the lame excuses they put forth in their defence is that acting upon ahadith in current times is extremely difficult.

They say the Quran and Hadith is an ocean of knowledge without any shores and hence understanding and acting on them is the duty of a Mujtahid only (ie not the common people). They say it is not in their permit to understand the Quran and Hadith and even if they were to read and understand the literal translation, they would not know whether a particular Hadith was abrogated or not, what the actual meaning of a text is or if there were any conflicting ahadith.

Then we say we answer this excuse from two angles

The first angle is that the Quran and Hadith is not as difficult, such that no one other than a Mujtahid mutlaq can understand them. On the contrary it is indeed very easy and whoever knows arabic especially and particular the scholars, who will easily and compressively understand the intent and meaning of the Quran and Hadith as is the saying of Allah,

“And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?” (Soorah al-Qamar:17)

And Allah said,

“It is He who has sent among the unlettered a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His ayaat and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom – although they were before in clear error.” (Soorah al-Jumu’ah:2)

And Allah said,

And We have certainly revealed to you verses [which are] clear proofs, and no one would deny them except the defiantly disobedient.” (Soorah al-Baqarah:99)

So whoever says we do not understand the Quran and Hadith despite being a scholar will fall under the punishment mentioned in the aforementioned ayah just as Mawlana Muhammad Ismail Shahid (InshaAllah) has mentioned in the treatise ‘Taqwiyat ul-Iman’

Ma’ayar ul-Haq Fi Tanqid Tanwir ul-Haq (pg.70-71)

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One comment

  1. Yahya John Lorenzen

    Very nice, where is the link for the books?