by Abu Khuzaimah Ansari Synopsis of the Khawārij In the modern world today, various groups, organisations and movements have emerged that have misrepresented and manipulated the image of Islam, this is not to say the media hasn’t played its unscrupulous role. There has been considerable destruction, loss of innocent life …
Read More »Richness of the Books of Hadith
By Aqeel al-Hindi One of the charges against the people of hadith is that their role within Islamic scholastics is one of compilation and transcription of the Sunnah for its benefit as a legislative source for those with the tools who fully understand it and can use it. Those …
Read More »Preserving the Salafi Manhaj from Opportunists Exploiters: What is your Aim when you say: “Muhaddith Muhammad Nasir ud-Din al-Albani Checked and Taught and al-Qardawi’s al-Halal wal-Haram”
Compiled by Abu Khuzaimah Ansari Here are a few points to consider and recognize before being duped by the perverse understanding of some individuals from the UK who misleadingly would like to show Al-Allamah al-Albani’s alleged praise for al-Qardawi by on mere account of him verifying the ahadith in his …
Read More »Imam al-Bukhari was a; Muwahhid, Salafi & Athari, Not a Muqallid, Partisan or Blind Follower of any Madhhab – He was Upon the Madhhab of Ahlul Hadith
Compiled by Abu Hibban Many claim that Imām Bukhārī was an Ashʿarī, Ṣūfī, or a fanatic to a particular Madhhab, or … and the claims continue! Yet the most authentic book accepted by all the Muslims after the Quran Imam Bukhārī’s ‘Ṣaḥīḥ’ completely contradicts what the claimant’s state. What follows …
Read More »The Status of Deobandi Scholars on the Scale of Hanafi Deobandi Criticism – The Theological ‘Hazrats’ of Abdul Haleem and Usman Iqbal with A Defamatory Mention of Bro Hajji
Compiled by Abu Khuzaimah Ansari The deobandi sect is usually very secretive in concealing their internal differences and critical statements against each other or the internal factionalism that exists within their deviated sect. Such differences vary in their type, while some revolve around creedal differences, some regarding methodology and others …
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