Abu Hurayrah RadhiAllahu Anhu and Imam al-Bukhari are undoubtedly the Imams of Ahlul Hadith who set Sunni standards in hadith preservation and dissemination.”Use-the- search-function” orientalists, flopped academics and misguided hadith rejectors reword and rework theories attempting to question the veracity of hadith authority. Here is a documented incident from the …
Read More »The Duration of the Ruku, Standing After Ruku, the Sujud and the Period Between the Sujud Should be the same Duration
Abu Khuzaimah Ansari We generally neglect two postures of the prayer, the standing after ruku and the period between the two sujud or prostrations. We tend to stand after ruku and immediately go into sujud or we make the two sujud without any duration between them. The Sunnah teaches us …
Read More »Jalsah Istraha – Resting After the Second Prostration in the First and Third Rakah
Abu Khuzaimah Ansari This resting period although is observed by many Muslims, it is sometimes or often rushed and not given due importance. Jalsah Istraha is resting for a short period after the second prostration. This resting is connected to the end of the first and third rakah since one …
Read More »Practising Al-Iqa’ (Sitting on Heels) Between the Sujud
Abu Khuzaimah Ansari I have noticed this Sunnah being seldom practised nowadays and wanted to encourage brothers to practise it. Al-Iqa’ is to rest the buttocks on the heels while they are joint and the toes are facing the Qiblah (i.e. squatting) while sitting between the sujud (prostration). Imam an-Nawawi …
Read More »Did Shaykh Irshad al-Haq Athari Distort as-Samarqandi’s words on Raf al-Yadayn?
by Abu Khuzaimah Ansari Ahmad Shamil in an article attempted to prove Shaykh Irshad al-Haq distorted the words of as-Samarqandi in his article Did as-Samarqandi say rafay yadain nullifies salah? (Irshad ul Haq Athari’s tahreef) on Hanafiyya wordpress and Darul Tahqiq copying them, published it on their site. I did not …
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