
Demolishing and Mutilating Bro Hajji – Oh The Shame; Expanding on Outrageously Lame, Destroying the Neo-Khariji Bro Hajji’s Claim


Abu Khuzaimah Ansari


I dedicate this reply to the illustrious, and great scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah, the Ahl al-Hadith and Salafis, especially al-Allamah Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali bin Khalaf al-Barbahari (d.329H) from the evil rantings, false aspersions and attacks of the burnt Jahmi’s and the Neo-Khariji Bro Hajji




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  1. you got demolished already

  2. SubhanAllaah. This has to be one of the most thorough refutations I’ve come across in years. Bro Hajji needs to respond to this in detail, and in a hurry, because this essentially exposes how utterly ignorant he is (a man who reads a source only for the very source to actually be refuting his position is the height of incompetence)

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